During the period of January to April multiple exhibitions will be held in Germany in which Bulgarian companies will participate. From 29.01 to 01.02 in Cologne will take place international exhibition for sweats, chocolate, nuts and snacks –
ISM Cologen. The exhibition
ISM Cologne each year there is a huge interest from the Bulgarian industry. Each year there are more than 15 companies from the industry. With almost 1 600 exhibitors and 40 000 visitors from 146 countries it proved its worldwide character during 2016 once again.
From 05.03 to 09.03 2017 in Dusseldorf will take place
EuroShop exhibition for furniture, equipment and systems for shopping facilities. Dusseldorf Exhibition Holding, the fifth biggest exhibition centre in the world, makes more than 40 international specialized exhibition each year.
Prefix is offering projecting, construction, logistics for stands for the exhibition in Cologne and Dusseldorf.